Barlee South Prospect
The Barlee South Prospect copper mineralisation is located on a regional synclinal structure with 5.5km of known mineralisation, which remains open.
High-grade copper, zinc and nickel assays up to 6.27% Cu, 2.34% Zn and 0.75% Ni received, including highlights of:
- 1.79% Cu, 0.58% Zn, 0.1% Co & 0.21% Ni in CH158
- 6.27% Cu, 2.34% Zn, 0.2% Co & 0.75% Ni in CH159
In this area, samples were collected, containing malachite and varying amounts of chrysocolla and azurite. The copper mineralisation thickness varies between 2m and a maximum thickness of 6m. The strike varies from 340°- 015° with the dip varying from -15° – 30° to the west. The malachite generally occurs as small numerous stringers and as joint coatings.

Barlee South Prospect area highlighting the extensive Cu-Ag-Z-Ni-Co mineralisation