Pine Ridge Gold

Exploration Licence (EL) 8213, wholly owned by Argent Pty Ltd, a subsidiary of Argent Minerals Limited, is located in the Central Tablelands of New South Wales, approximately 65 km south of Bathurst and 10 km southwest of Trunkey.

The area has a rich history of gold mining, with alluvial gold discovered on the Abercrombie River and its tributaries in 1851. Mining activity continued sporadically from the initial gold rush until 1948, with the Pine Ridge Gold Mine producing 6,864 tonnes of ore through both open-cut and underground methods.

The mineralisation consists of two weathered porphyrite zones separated by phyllite, up to 75m wide, containing gold-bearing quartz veins. Historical drilling, including programs conducted by Rimfire in the 1990s and Argent in 2019, suggests potential similarities to the McPhillamys Gold Deposit (2.31 Moz Au).

Gold mineralisation in EL 8213 is associated with north-south trending sheared volcaniclastics and quartz-carbonate-sericite-pyrite alteration over a strike length of 900m, with mineralised zones dipping steeply east at 70°–80°. This structure lies along regional splays of the Godolphin-Copperhania Fault Zone, providing further exploration potential.

Mineral Resource Estimate

The Resource has been independently estimated by Odessa Resources Pty Ltd (Perth). The estimate has been produced by using Leapfrog Edge software to produce wireframes of the various mineralised lode systems and block grade estimation using an ordinary kriging interpolation. Top cuts were applied to individual lodes as necessary to limit the effect of high-grade outliers.

The Resource has been classified as a global Inferred based on historical drill results. The future infill drilling will support further increase in the resource classification.

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