About Us

Argent Minerals Limited is an ASX-listed public company focused on creating shareholder wealth through the discovery, extraction and marketing of precious and base metals. A key goal of the Company is to become a leading Australian polymetallic producer. The Company’s project assets are situated in the Lachlan Orogen in New South Wales, Australia, a richly mineralised geological terrane extending from northern NSW and the highly prospective Gascoyne Region, Western Australia.

Strategy – Exploration, Capital, Production


Argent Minerals is aggressively pursuing the significant exploration upside potential that it has identified at the Kempfield Polymetallic Project, a registered NSW State Significant Development. Owned 100% by Argent Minerals, Kempfield is the Company’s flagship project with a substantial Mineral Resource of 142.8 million ounces of silver equivalent of lead, zinc, silver and gold at a silver equivalent grade of 69.75 g/t Ag Eq that has been recently upgraded to JORC 2012 standard.

Tonnes and grade are key factors in any project economics, and Argent’s focus is to add both where opportunities exist to do so, particularly where this might add to the Company’s base and precious metal resources.

Income Generation Through Mining Production

As Argent pursues the exploration for base and precious metals to realise its goal of mining production, the low-cost silver-gold heap leach operation for which an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) was submitted to the NSW Government in April 2013 remains in place as a fast-response, market-ready option, to take advantage of any precious metal pricing recovery that may occur.

In the event that the precious metals pricing recovers to the levels prevailing prior to the EIS submission, Argent is well positioned to progress this plan through a rapid approval process and toward the commencement of production revenue, as an optional first stage along the growth path to a leading polymetallic producer.

Capital Efficiency

In addition to having relatively low costs, Argent has developed a track record in capital-efficient funding. More than 2.9 million in funding has been raised through the Company’s R&D claims, with a considerable portion of these funds being reinvested directly into project value.


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