Unearthing the Potential of Silver in NSW

The Company

Argent Minerals Limited is an ASX-listed public company focused on creating shareholder wealth through the discovery, extraction and marketing of precious and base metals. A key goal of the Company is to become a leading Australian polymetallic producer.

Argent Minerals’ two key projects, both 100% owned by Argent, are strategically positioned within a compelling neighbourhood which hosts world-class deposits.

Kempfield Silver Deposit, in the Lachlan Orogen in New South Wales, has a Mineral Resources Estimate 142.8M oz silver equivalent under the 2012 JORC Code.

Kempfield is located 60km to the SSW of Newmont’s Cadia, one of the largest underground copper-gold mines in the southern hemisphere.

Copperhead Project in the highly prospective Gascoyne Region ins Western Australia, lie proximal to Hastings Technology Metals, Dreadnought, Fortescue Metals and Rio Tinto Limited.

Currently the company’s tenement package cover over 1,038 km² in Western Australia targeting Cu-Ni-REE-PGE and Cu-Pb-Zn-Ag within 1,734 km² in New South Wales.


NSW Kempfield Polymetallic

Located 60 kilometres to the SSW of Newcrest’s Cadia is Kempfield, the Company’s flagship project, a registered New South Wales State Significant Development owned 100% by Argent Minerals.

NSW Polymetallic

Argent Minerals has a number of highly prospective projects in NSW including Mount Dudley Gold, Trunkey Creek Gold and Pine Ridge Gold

WA Copperhead Polymetallic

The Copperhead project, which covers 1,038 square kilometres and lies close to the Yangibana REE and Mangaroon nickel-copper-PGE projects.


Kempfield JORC Resource

The Kempfield Project in NSW hosts a JORC Resource of 67.Mt @ 69.75g/t AgEq for 142.8M oz AgEq

Exciting Silver Deposit

Boasting 65.8M oz of contained silver, Kempfield is the second largest undeveloped silver deposit in Australia

Ongoing Exploration

Active exploration programs to enhance Kempfield MRE footprint with ongoing extensional drilling

NSW Polymetallic Targets

Highly prospective polymetallic targets identified across Argent’s NSW Projects

The Kempfield Polymetallic Project is located within the Lachlan Orogen, a mineral-rich geological terrane stretching from Queensland to Tasmania and home to major mining operations like Newmont’s Cadia Valley, which holds over 40 million ounces of gold.

Kempfield shares characteristics with the Eastern Australian Palaeozoic VHMS Deposits, a group of volcanic-hosted massive sulphide deposits known for producing substantial base metals over the past century. With newly identified mineral zones, Kempfield holds strong potential to emerge as a significant precious metal producer.

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